Finally some CEI (Clark's Equity and Inclusion)
Finally some CEI (Clark's Equity and Inclusion)
For our favorite disgusting fuck
We all wanted to see Sue's panties...but frankly, I think Clark's ass crack is way more enticing!
Damn she fire!!! Would totally develop an eating disorder with!!!
"It's called hentai, Sue! And it's art!" - Clark (probably)
Clark spoke words in the English language, and Sue wasn't having it.
Lore accurate Sue if she was in real life!
This would only happen in a world were Sue isn't afraid to order Pizza over the phone.
"I wouldn't feed this white chocolate mocha to my dog!"
Lmao! Dumbass thinks he can serve white chocolate to his dog! Typical low IQ consumer fuck!
Clark's got that Handsome Squidward jawline! Meanwhile, Sue's looking like a purple version of Shelley Duvall!
Gotta have them looking their best for the photo!
Life's too short. Spend your precious moments getting into arguments with children on the internet!
Joined on 10/19/20