Life's too short. Spend your precious moments getting into arguments with children on the internet!

Eugene @EugeneDoesArt

Joined on 10/19/20

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EugeneDoesArt's News

Posted by EugeneDoesArt - January 1st, 2024

...And with the end of the year, I have grown both as an artist, and as a person. This year was a major stepping stone for my webcomic work, my art skills, and my real life. Though I wasn't as active online as the year prior, I can safely say that 2023 was overall a net positive for myself (current world problems be damned).


Now without further a-do, let's get into the recap.

Sue n' Clark: Concept

On February 14th, I released my first real entry of Sue n' Clark onto Newgrounds. This was my first time ever creating and uploading a webcomic onto the internet. A pretty daunting task, but I managed to make something of it (small as it may be).

I received a lot of good feedback on it that I later used for my 2nd official entry (more on that later). I'll admit, it was a bit disappointing not to receive immediate adulation on the spot. But we all gotta grow somehow.

Art Trades

After my work on Sue n' Clark: Concept, I fell into a funk. At the time, I didn't know where I would take the series. To distract myself and get some more creative juices flowing, I started doing art trades with other members of the site. I did three trades in total.

Unfortunately, I started to burn out quite a bit after the third trade. I needed some more time off the internet. It was at this point I began to realize my life needed some reevaluation. I ended up having to skip out on Pico Day which kinda sucked, but I didn't wanna make any crappy uploads while I was burned out.

Moved to a New Place and Made new Art Friends

While I was offline, I had the wonderful opportunity of moving to a new place, away from my parents. This was probably the biggest event that happened in my life this year. Its definitely taught me a ton about being an independent adult. The moving process was super stressful. But once I had officially moved into my new home, all the pieces started to fall in-line. I also found a lot of other people just like me who are artists, and I'm now part of a group of art friends irl.

NG Meetup at TooManyGames + Made even MORE Friends

By the time I had officially moved in, the NG Meetup at TooManyGames was just around the corner. The drive to Philly was quite the adventure. Had a ton of albums to listen to in the car (though I never got through all of them lol). It was great getting to see everyone at the main event. Kind of a bummer that the convention smelled with gamer stench, but I digress. I made a lot of connections with peeps like Sage, Emi, Marshy, and a whole bunch of other dudes I'm forgetting (sorry). I really hope this becomes a yearly tradition for NG. Its a great way to bring the community together.

Loss Collab

Getting to meet Sage at TooManyGames gave me the motivation to participate in his Loss Collab. The whole point was to create your own version of the Loss Meme. You can find my version below.

A very fun collab to be a part of. Plus, I got to step out of my comfort zone and draw something "creepy" for a change. My entry doubles as fanart for the web series "I Can't Sleep".

Sue n' Clark: Chapter 1 (still a work in progress)

By the time I got back from TooManyGames, I figured out where I wanted to take Sue n' Clark. I officially started work for Chapter 1 on July 1st. In that period, I spent months drafting, thumbnailing, and sketching everything. To save time, I handed off my sketches to QueenBoo in the month of October to fix up the panels. She's done a tremendous amount of work on Chapter 1. I'm very thankful to have her around.

Some time in July-August is when I realized I wouldn't be able to upload Chapter 1 before the end of the year. This was a bit disappointing, as I had hoped to have that done sooner. Turns out I bit off more than I could chew. But its a learning experience all the same. Though a blessing in disguise was right around the corner.

User of the Day

But before that, I got User of the Day (November 15). A bit of an odd victory, but I'll take it.


Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest

On the month of September, a comic contest was announced for NG. Just a week later, the art portal had gotten a MASSIVE update, allowing for webcomics to FINALLY have a place on NG. Both these announcements came at an incredibly opportune time. After I submitted my final sketches to QueenBoo, I got to work on my Sweet Sixteen Comic. I managed to finish it just 3 days before the deadline. The comic was officially uploaded on December 11th.

I didn't win anything, though to be fair, the competition was fierce. A lot of good comics came out that month. I just couldn't compete. Still, I had improved MASSIVELY on my webcomic skills from the last upload. This has given me a great amount of experience for future releases.

GoGo's Collab

A few days after my comic's release, the "GoGo's Collab" finally dropped on NG. I ended up participating just for the hell of it. Had no idea what these things even where until ForgeFrog made his collab on them.


Also, to anyone collabing with Forge in the future, he absolutely LOVES being told when his documents are poorly formatted :3

Secret Santa

And to end things on a decent note, I submitted a Secret Santa drawing on Christmas day. For the first time, I got a character that actually fit my style of drawing. Have a look below.

At the time I wasn't sure if it was any good. Plus I started having back problems (I sit like a gremlin). But in hindsight, its a good final drawing to end the year on.

And that concludes my 2023 highlights. All around a pretty decent year. I suppose we should cap this post off with a list of goals I hope to achieve in 2024.

Goals for 2024:

  • Revamp my Sona and Banner
  • Release Sue n Clark: Chapters 1 and 2 this year
  • Participate in more collabs
  • Make more fanart
  • Keep improving my craft

Here's to a productive 2024. If you actually took the time to read all this, thank you.




Posted by EugeneDoesArt - December 15th, 2023

Christmas is fast approaching fellas. Hope you all got your shopping done, cuz delivery services are getting a bit clogged with orders. In the meantime, I have a few updates to share.

Sweet Sixteen Comic:

On Monday of this week, I uploaded my Sweet Sixteen Comic entry of Sue n' Clark. Its taken me 2-3 months to create it, so all feedback I received has been greatly appreciated. If you missed it, you can read my entry below.



Sue n' Clark - Chapter 1:

Chapter 1 has been the longest project I've ever worked on. As of right now, the contracted cleanup artist is beginning to finish up work for the new year. Once that is done, I can begin the digital linework. I'm still debating if I want Chapter 1 to be in full color. Part of me feels like that would elevate its quality. But bare in mind, that could mean an extra month and a half of work. Regardless, The Sweet Sixteen Contest has given me a good model for an efficient work flow.

A release date has not been announced at this given time. But I assure you, Chapter 1 WILL be released in 2024. I will make an official announcement when a release date is in order. I will also try to tease a few pages in the meantime.

Secret Santa 2023:

Now that my work on the Sweet Sixteen Contest is complete, I can begin working on my Secret Santa. I took the week off to recoup and get my energy back. I'll be looking to knock this out during the weekend.

I can't exactly say WHO or WHAT my Secret Santa is. That would ruin the surprise. But I will upload it to NG on Christmas Day.

New Sona in the Works:

As of now, I have a design ready for my new Sona. All of that will be released in early January. Right now I'm focused on my Secret Santa, so I can't really tease any details on that.



Posted by EugeneDoesArt - December 11th, 2023


My Sweet Sixteen Comic just dropped!




Posted by EugeneDoesArt - December 8th, 2023


On December 11th (12:00PM EST), I will be dropping a 16 page entry of Sue n' Clark for the Newgrounds "Sweet 16 Comic Contest". This has been 3 months in the making. I hope you all enjoy it when it finally drops on Monday.




Posted by EugeneDoesArt - December 1st, 2023

Tis the season to be jolly (and rushing to finish your webcomic). As the year is coming to a close, I figured you all should know about what I've been up to this past November.

Sweet Sixteen Comic:

God we are so close (and yet so far) to getting this shit done. I have around 11-12 of the pages completed as of now. In total I have about 5-4 pages left to complete. I was hoping to add color, but as the deadline looms near, I'm going to have to call that idea off. I'm still hoping I can get a cover done before the final day of submission. Either way, I'm kind of in a hurry as it where.

New Profile Sona in the Works:

As I've previously stated, I will be revamping my profile and banner. Right now I'm drafting ideas for a new sona. I plan to have that all fully released in early January.

Secret Santa 2023:

Yeah, I couldn't help myself. I'm currently registered for the Secret Santa of 2023. Thankfully the person I have has an OC I can actually work with for a change. I'll probably start work on that after December 11th.



Posted by EugeneDoesArt - November 15th, 2023

We're half way through November, and I've been on the grind, trying to get webcomic stuff done. We makin' good progress fam. But before I get to into it, I got something to share...

I received "User of the Day" today:

Yeah, this was not on my bucket list of things to happen. Don't know what exactly I did to earn it. But hey, I'll take it. It gives me bragging rights at the very least.



Alright, now for the main announcements...

Sweet Sixteen Comic:

As of today, I have 7 pages of lineart done, as well as partial completion of 2 other pages. This means I am nearly halfway done with my Sweet Sixteen Entry. Let's hope all goes well until that big due date (December 11th).

I will also be adding Cover Art to my entry, as the contest rules state "it won't count as a page". The cover will be in full color of course.

However, I'm not sure if the rest of the pages will be in color. I played around with the idea of having full color, but that will be contingent on whether I can complete the pages before the end of November. We'll just have to wait and see.

I could tease some of my pages, but honestly, I think it would be best to keep things a surprise.

New Profile Sona Coming Soon:

As stated in the previous post, I will be revamping my entire profile pic and banner for next year. This means a brand new sona is currently in development. I will tease more in mid-late December.

The new sona will be fully revealed on January 7th of next year. Look forward to that!



Posted by EugeneDoesArt - November 1st, 2023

Hope you all had a nice Halloween.

This is my official update heading into November. Got a few goodies to cover, so lets get into it.

Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest:

With the end of October, comes the beginning of November. And for me, more progress done on my entry for The Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest. With hard work and a bit of luck, I was able to draft all 16 pages in my sketch book. The next step for November will be getting all 16 pages into digital form. This will require me to do digital line-art and shading for all the pages. I'm not yet sure if I can get the pages done in color. We'll have to play that step by ear. In the meantime, here are a few excerpts from my 16 pages.



There is one caveat. Some of the pages are more fleshed out than others. There are a lot of pages that will still require edits and fixes. A large chunk of that will be done digitally. I'm looking to make this next phase a bit more spontaneous. That way I'll be able to complete the entry in time for the deadline (December the 11th).

New Persona and Profile Pic in the Works (Early January 2024):

Anyone that's been following me for long enough knows of my old "Mister Fatso" days. Last year I changed my username to "EugeneDoesArt" which I felt was better for my overall outlook. Well this year I've been coming up with some ideas for a new profile pic that is radically different from the old one. The only problem was finding a time to make and submit this new profile pic. I've decided to submit a new Profile Pic and Refsheet for my new look in Early January of next year. So look forward to that.

Sue n' Clark:

Chapter 1's sketches have been complete as of the end of September. The cleanup process by my contracted artist is still ongoing. In the meantime I will try to draft some quick thumbnails for what Chapter 2 is going to look like. Right now my main priority is The Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest. Once that is done, I will be spending the rest of December preparing for work on Chapter 2.



Posted by EugeneDoesArt - October 15th, 2023

Hello again everyone.

This is the mid October update regarding my work flow and progress. October as been kind of a strange month. Progress on projects has kind of been all over the place.

Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest:

I'm making good progress on the Sweet Sixteen Comic Contest (though its been a bit slow). I have my script and thumbnails done, but only have 3 pages sketched out. The slow pace has been due to a number of things, mainly my need to get the panels right. I'm hoping to get the full 16 pages sketched out by the end of this month (fingers crossed). In the meantime, here are a few pics of my progress.



Sue n' Clark:

As stated in the last post, the first official Sue n' Clark volume will be released as two chapters. They will be released sometime in 2024 (release date pending). Right now, Chapter 1 has all its pages sketched out and is currently being cleaned up by a contracted artist. No work is currently being done on Chapter 2.


At the beginning of October, I uploaded a speech bubble test so I could get a better idea of how I will be formatting dialogue in my webcomics. It was pretty dumb but it gave me a good feel for how I should go about dialogue moving forward.


Got some feedback too. Next time I'll make sure to smooth out all the corners of my speech bubbles. The more practice, the better.



Posted by EugeneDoesArt - October 1st, 2023

Hey there folks.

Looks like we reached Spooky Month. Really feels like time is flying by. Anyways, here's an update on me.

Sue n' Clark

I'll be splitting Volume 1 of Sue n Clark into two parts. Each part will be in the range of 30 pages. The first part (Chapter 1) has all the sketches done (minus 1 or 2 pages) and is currently being cleaned up by a contracted cleanup artist. The release date for Volume 1 is still up in the air. I'm hoping for an early 2024 release of Volume 1. But as the great Linkara always said, "It'll be out when it's out".

Sweet 16 Comic Contest

Since I won't be reaching an "official" debut for Sue n Clark this year, I figured I could enter the upcoming 16 Page Comic Contest to get something out there. It seems like a good opportunity to establish a bit of work before the big debut. I'll be entering solo, so hopefully I get something done before the deadline.



Posted by EugeneDoesArt - September 15th, 2023

Hey guys, just a quick update.

I started the month at a 12 page count for Sue n' Clark: Chapter 1. I'm now at a 22-23 page count, which is a lot smoother than last month's progress. On a side note, I'm starting to realize that calling it a "Chapter" may not have been the best title, due to its length. I'm estimating this first instalment will be between 30-60 pages long, which could fill an entire book. I might change the title a bit going forward.

So yeah, more of the same.

