Life's too short. Spend your precious moments getting into arguments with children on the internet!

Eugene @EugeneDoesArt

Joined on 10/19/20

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2025 is Finally Here...

Posted by EugeneDoesArt - January 1st, 2025

In past recaps, I've tried presenting things in chronological order. For 2024's recap, I've decided to present my biggest achievements starting at the most significant one. I wouldn't exactly say any of my achievements in 2024 were "insignificant". More-so, I would like to discuss the biggest events that happened to me that year.

So without further a-do, lets get into it!

Sue n' Clark: Chapters 1 & 2 (COMPLETED THIS YEAR)

This is by far the biggest achievement I have had on NG! After 3 years of planning, preproduction, experimenting, and FINALLY figuring my shit out, I was able to complete AN ENTIRE VOLUME of Sue n' Clark this year! My ambitions have finally become a reality. The story that I had been searching for had finally come to life!

Its crazy to think that after all these years, I not only produced and published a chapter in April, but would go on to do it again in November (set backs be damned). I now have an entire volume's worth of story I could use for almost anything. Maybe in the future, I could crowdfund on Kickstarter to produce physical copies of Volume 1 to ship to you all. Or better yet, Volume 1 could serve as the basis for an animated pilot.

Bare in mind, I have no plans going into 2025 of doing any of those things (yet). The reason I bring all this up is to demonstrate the possibilities I have now opened up for myself. Sue n' Clark may one day be something I can actually turn into a cult following. Obviously we still have a ways to go before that time, but the grind of 2024 has brought us much closer to that future.

It also helps that Volume 1 has been received so well by you guys. In the span of over 1 year, I have managed to create a webcomic volume that is ALSO of good quality. It feels good knowing I actually built something of real substance. Everyone seems to like Sue. Clark of course is a great foil. You guys seem excited for what's to come in Chapter 3 (and that's great, cuz it means I'm actually doing something right).

I of course have to (once more) thank QueenBoo for her exceptional cleanup work! Throughout mid 2023 and all of 2024, she has been instrumental in helping to see my vision through. I would consider her a truly reliable artist to work with, and possibly my webcomic's best asset. Couldn't have done it without you QueenBoo! You're a life saver!

Successful Rebrand in 2024

After changing my username from MisterFatso to EugeneDoesArt in late 2022, I had to come up with a brand new look. And by God did that happen.

Its good to know that my rebrand worked out in the end. No more confusion about how I represent myself online anymore. No need to use my weight as a cope to draw attention to myself. I can FINALLY represent myself in a way that I not only like, but isn't a complete determent to myself.

Gettin' Fit!

I won't dwell on this too long. Let's just say since Summer of 2024, I've been hitting the gym and building muscle. I'm by no means a body builder, but god damn do I look so much better. I've gone from a tubby fat guy, to a strong muscular fat guy!

1 Year of Therapy Later

Again, not going too deep into this topic. Lets just say that I needed to re-adjust my self image. Its actually helped me really connect with myself better. I started to really change the way I dress in the Summer of 2024. I even dabbled a bit in fashion in the month of November. Overall, therapy has been a net positive.


Another gem to my collection of wins was the multiple connections I made this year. I made it my mission to get people aware of who I am and what I represent. And this year, I intend to double my efforts! But for now, lets shoutout some amazing folks I met along the way.

  • Got involved with KittyHawkMontrose's community and now regularly attend her live chats.

  • Tuesday Takeover also helped my grow my audience a little

  • I have also introduced myself to a multitude of new people through my Sue Stickers.

I'm sure there are more people on that list I forgot to mention. My apologies if I missed you.

All these connections slightly boosted my numbers. But to be honest, that's not really the biggest victory. The biggest victory is getting more loyal fans and familiar faced onto my art posts. In this algorithmic hellscape we call "social media", I need loyal readers and followers who actually care about what I put out there. None of this trend chasing bullshit is gonna get me anywhere. Its good to know that I have a loyal audience that appreciates my work for what it truly is. One of these days, I'd like to make it up to you all.

Pokémon Gijinka Collab

KittyHawkMontrose hosted a Pokémon Gijinka Collab in 2024. I of course chose to draw Mega Lopunny. Gonna be honest, I feel like I could have done better. Regardless, its another notch under my belt. The collab's official release hasn't been uploaded just yet. Hopefully in early 2025 (Stay Tuned)

Launched a YouTube Channel

While I'm still struggling to find time to upload, I did create a YouTube Channel I intend to get more use out of in 2025. I wanna do more commentary style videos on art, media, and my vision for artistic integrity. You can find my channel here.

Some of my favorite Art Posts of 2024

Compared to last year, I didn't improve THAT much. My growth has been a lot more gradual. But that's fine by me. I have mastered three important principles that will carry me far.

  1. Character Design
  2. Facial Expressions
  3. Story Telling

Ok, now to cover some of the bullshit that was thrown my way in 2024. I'll try to be brief with this one.

Car got Totaled in September

Yeah, this one was just plain sad. I had totaled my car on the highway and had to get it replaced with a brand new car. I'm still making those payments as of now. Regardless, I suffered no serious injuries (and neither has my current car). I should have it fully paid off in the middle part of 2025.

Didn't Upload as Much on YouTube

I really wanted to make more YouTube content, but got sidetracked with Sue n' Clark work. That, and I got paralysis on what kind of content I should make (and how I should carry myself). A lot can go into YouTube, and unlike my other projects, YouTube requires more "efficiency" on the part of its creators. I have ZERO INTEREST in becoming a slop channel. But I can't go overboard with production (unless I'm making a much longer video). Its a whole other ball game, and I'm just along for the ride, learning as I go. Hopefully 2025 will be a better year to make some YouTube videos.

Got burnt on Fanart

Not much to say here. I've learned that I can NEVER be a commission artist cuz I can ONLY draw what I WANT TO DRAW!!! No more trend chasing! No more running through the algo rat race! If I'm truly a fan of something, then I'll draw it! Otherwise, leave me alone.

For 2025, I only have three goals:

  • Make Sue n' Clark Volume 2 (Chapters 3 and 4)
  • Create fun challenges for my loyal fans (redraw challenges maybe)
  • Get Back into YouTube

I think that's simple enough!

In conclusion, 2024 was a year of massive growth for me. But I don't see it as a honeymoon year like in 2021. No, this is only the beginning.

May 2025 bring me even more growth!





It was great meeting you over at Pico Day! That whole day was quite a trip!

It was nice meeting you Eugene! Hope the best with Sue n' Clark! You're doing awesome man, keep it up!

Awwwwww yeah dude!! Here’s to a new year! :)
