Hello all you beautiful people. I meant to write this yesterday but got sidetracked with other stuff. I have a few good updates I'd like to share, so lets get into it.
Sue n' Clark: Chapter 2
I've been working on Chapter 2 since the start of May. So far I have 15 pages sketched out (still need to do a lot of cleanup). I've started to get a pretty good hand on paneling, so I might not need as much assistance as I did with Chapter 1. I'll likely still get a bit of assistance from QueenBoo on a few pages though.
I'm really hoping to get Chapter 2 out before the end of the year. I aim for an October release at the absolute latest. Chapter 1 took about 6 months to complete, so I'm doing what I can to make the process more efficient. Fingers crossed all goes well.
Gonna post more art on the side
Something I'm trying to do is upload more art to the portal. While I enjoy working on my webcomic, I feel like I've neglected to draw for myself. Now that I have a better grasp on my schedule, I feel like I can squeeze in more uploads this month. I'm looking to upload something once every week (or other week). I have a few posts I recently made back in May.